Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Cozy For My Tea Pot

I bought this polka-dotted teapot (and two mugs) on my first trip to England. Doesn't everybody buy a teapot when they go to England? I love it more for the memories than actually the use of it. I mostly do the drop a bag in the mug type of tea making these it being lazy. But, I've never had a tea cozy for my pot until now. I made this awesome tea cozy from Sue Spargo's pattern. I just love the home decor fabric I found that just happened to match some hand dyed wool I had in my stash. Treat yourself today to a cup of tea!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Here is a cute turkey candle mat. It was fun and fast to make...for me of course. I also made this fall acorn pin cushion (from Bird Brain Designs). It' rather large and I filled it with crushed walnut shells. The crushed walnut shells give it some nice weight and is my preferred method for stuffing pin cushions. You can buy a 10 pound bag for about $10 at the pet called "Lizard Litter" LOL! I've been working on a few wool projects lately. Getting ready for the fall season is always fun! I love holiday projects. How about you? Do you have a favorite holiday you like to make things for?