Saturday, July 2, 2011

And Life Goes On....

A lot has been happening over the last month or so.  We sold our house (We lived there for 10 years.) with the anticipation of buying another one.  We thought if all goes well, we would need temporary housing for about a month to 6 weeks.
Our "guardian angel" friend saved us in so many ways by offering her house to rent for the summer.  We are so grateful for her! The movers came, moved everything (except my sewing machines of course!) into two storage units and we moved ourselves down the street.  I couldn't get over how much cleaning supplies I had collected.  Does that tell you something about me?
We settled in long enough to go on vacation.  Jeremy and I went to St. John USVI for a week of snorkeling and no kids, the kids went to my sisters to have a visit with their cousins. St. John is absolutely gorgeous and the people are extremely friendly.
Salt Pond Bay- notice no people?
St John has wild Donkeys roaming around - here is momma and baby.  They came right up to the car for some petting too.
Not sure which bay this was, notice no people?  There were very few crowds.

Another shot of Salt Pond