Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winding Down

We've had a very busy week last week.  The girls had finals and I think I was more nervous than they were.  Now Christmas is soon approaching and I am looking forward to spending time with my family.  We are pretty laid back here in California.  Our families are all out of town so, it's just the Upstills.  We generally stay home for Christmas Day and Boxing Day - preferrably in our pajamas.  We eat, drink, laugh, play Gin and generally just enjoy each other's company.  Jigsaw puzzles are also a holiday pastime that we enjoy.  The girls have their Santa sacks ready for St Nick to deliver them some cool stuff (hey, I know they are 12 & 14, but your never too old for Santa - at least that's what they tell me!)
Merry Christmas to all! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Days Till...

It's officially 18 days until Christmas and my advent calender is in full swing.  This book is called the 12 Days of Christmas by Nancy Halvorsen of Art to Heart. I loved making this project so much, I made three of them! (I gave two of them away.)  Although you are making thirteen mini quilts, it's a relatively fast project to complete. You can order the stand and buttons online.

My kids get up every morning and change the numbers out for me...they love it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's My Birthday Day Today

Well, it's come around again.  Time sure seems to fly when your in your thirties...ok, forties!  I am being well treated today...Jackie is bringing me a Latte this morning AND driving my carpool this morning, then off to lunch with a friend.  I think I'll order dessert.  My Facebook is bombarded with Birthday Facebook!

My friends and family always ask me what I want to do for my birthday (and Mother's Day, etc.), my reply is SEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All I want is to be held up in my sewing room for the day.  This will be a little tricky this year because I have kids and school and the "mom taxi" is still in service at the worries though, I will get up there and fire my machine up for a little Birthday indulgence!
